200 Hour Yoga teacher Training Bali Indonesia

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If you are looking for an immersive yoga experience, Bali is the place to be. Among the various options available, our 200 hour yoga teacher training Bali stands out as a comprehensive and transformative experience. With its stunning natural landscapes and vibrant spirituality, this Indonesian island offers the perfect setting for yoga retreats. 

This intensive course covers everything from asanas to philosophy, giving participants a deep understanding of yoga as a holistic practice. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced practitioner, the 200 hour yoga program in Bali will provide you with the knowledge and skills to advance your yoga journey.in 


Share an unforgettable, life-changing journey through the rich landscape of yoga. Heal your mind and body, while you nurture your spirit and connect to other inspiring humans. Yoga was created to help us achieve our greatest dreams. Our 200 hour yoga certification course in Bali is where the journey to the most vibrant version of yourself begins.


A modern approach to ancient wisdom. Whether you’re a dedicated yogi seeking to expand your knowledge of yoga and meditation, or an aspiring teacher seeking a globally recognized yoga teacher training Yoga Alliance approved course, you’ll receive a solid education while elevating your personal development and skills as a facilitator.


Our program is designed and facilitated by Master Teachers to ensure the highest standard of education. As a fully accredited Yoga Alliance Registered Yoga School (RYS), we provide a solid foundation in tradition and science.  We are confident you’ll be participating in the best 200 hour yoga teacher training in Bali today. 

Students from around the globe come to Bali to share in a vibrant community that is supportive, curious, and soulful. The “yoga bubble” we create together during the immersion-style 200 hour yoga teacher training Bali retreat is unique and truly life-changing. Our graduates speak to a profound sense of belonging, an experience guided by our culture of truth, courage, and love.

Embark on a life-changing journey through the rich landscape of yoga with our 200 hour yoga Teacher training in Bali Indonesia


Subscribe and dive into some of our favourite signature classes, featuring invigorating sequences, pranayama and meditations.

What to Expect at 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training bali


The Science of Body, Mind and Spirit

In our Bali 200 hour yoga teacher training, you’ll dive deep into the foundational philosophies of yoga to gain a clear understanding of these often abstract and mystical concepts. 

You’ll learn a unique method of breathing that stimulates the vital energies of the body, providing strength and balance in a way you’ve never before experienced. 

A detailed study of anatomy, biomechanics and integrated systems of the body helps you achieve a new level of stable and empowering postural alignment.

Intelligent Class Sequencing

Elegant, Efficient, Fluid

Zuna Yoga® class sequencing is grounded in the same principles that animate the natural world — elegance, efficiency, and fluidity. 

You’ll learn to use a variety of yogic tools, such as asana, bandha, pranayama, and meditation to make every class a meaningful journey through the changing landscapes of body, mind, and spirit. 

By exploring together the concepts of Yoga, Tantra and modern science, you will gain a firm understanding of class sequencing that is creative, purposeful, effective, and powerfully transformative.


Awaken to Truth, Courage and Joy

Go beyond the intellectual ideas and techniques that you have learned in this course, integrating these concepts into meaningful practice. 

When the body, breath and mind are cohesively aligned, you’ll experience yoga as it was always meant to be, expressing your power with grace. 

As your practice of yoga and self-discovery evolves, you’ll uncover the radiance and wisdom that lie within. We then weave these threads of inner truth into the fabric of being, to live authentically, courageously, and joyfully. 

Internationally Recognized

200 YTT Course Details

Body Wisdom

The body is a storehouse of wisdom and experience. Vitalizing, conditioning and coordinating the systems of the body is essential for its inner wisdom to be experienced. 

This 200 hour yoga teacher training Bali course provides a strong foundation in the physical aspects of yoga: asana, alignment, anatomy, physiology, adjustments, modifications, and cautions to empower your relationship with your body.

Mind Mastery

Yogic philosophy is largely dedicated to understanding ourselves and what drives our choices and behaviors, so we can truly know ourselves. Meditation is a practical tool for this journey to self-knowledge, where we learn to create a relationship with our truest nature. 

You will be guided through powerful and effective meditation techniques, and create a foundation for practice that will serve you long after your training is over.

Soulful Discovery

One of the primary aims of the Zuna Yoga® system is to first reveal and then create a healthy relationship with the authentic self. 

Through the skillful practice of asana, breathing techniques, deep relaxation and meditation, we plot a course for an inward journey to discover this radiant expression of truth and self, a journey of self-remembrance that defines the true promise of yoga: to live peacefully, powerfully, and joyfully.

integrate the Yamas


You’ll receive access to a comprehensive 20 hour online anatomy course, offered by The Anatomy School. This course guides you step by step through 10 chapters of yoga anatomy including a variety of learning modalities.

Be inspired visually with fantastic pictures, diagrams and videos. The course is structured around one of the philosophies of Osteopathy, “Structure governs Function.”

You’ll learn how the key systems of the body (nervous, respiratory, skeletal, muscular etc) are connected and how yoga affects their function.

We provide an in-depth study of yoga postures, their alignment, energetics, health benefits, contraindications and modifications.

You’ll develop your skill in practicing and teaching these foundational postures of yoga, as well as intermediate and some advanced poses such as arm balances and inversions. 

Manual cues and hands-on adjustments help you strengthen trust and connection with your students.

With a solid foundation in healthy alignment, you’ll develop your sense of intelligent and supportive touch, and be able to offer your students individualized, optimal cueing.

Teaching Yoga is a form of public speaking that can be intimidating for many people. In this 200 hour yoga teacher training course we’ll give you tools to develop your vocabulary and get you started.  

With important teaching cues you’ll receive you be able to confidently offer clear, concise, and effective verbal instructions.  You’ll also have plenty of opportunity to  find your voice during teaching practice.  We want to help you feel prepared to express yourself with creativity and confidence.

Learn where yoga comes from and how it has developed into its modern form. An exploration of foundational traditions and their philosophies, including Hatha, Tantra, Vinyasa Yoga and others will be covered in this 200 hour yoga teacher training course.

It’s important as a teacher of yoga to have a firm understanding of the philosophy behind it.  In this 200 hour yoga teacher training you’ll get to know the major philosophical perspectives that define yoga and how they translate to our modern lifestyle.

We will explore important concepts including the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, Tantra, Hatha and Classical Yoga.

The breath is so much more than inhale/exhale. It’s our primary source of life and the foundation of a meaningful yogic practice.

The breath has profound influence on your nervous system, cognitive ability, and how we interact with the world. We will thoroughly explore its application in postures and meditation.

Prana and Chakras. Ancient yogis described the anatomy of the subtle body, beyond the physical form.

There are many layers to understanding Prana, the prime life force and how it moves through the Chakras (energetic centers). This force and the currents of energy known as prana vayus are the very foundation of what makes yoga so powerful.

You’ll move beyond the physical to thoroughly explore postures from the subtle energy perspective.

You will learn how the tools of asana (postures), pranayama (breathing methods), bandha (energy locks) and meditation are used to create deep, meaningful sequences.

A good class is not just bio-mechanically sound but also delivers a powerful experience on the subtle energy level. You will practice and deliver a variety of these multilayered sequences designed by expert teachers.

Everyone will get the opportunity to teach and refine their yoga language skills and their ability to deliver an inspiring classes.

This 200 hour yoga course will offer practice teaching one on one, in small groups, and in front of a full class of your fellow students.

Everyone will get the opportunity to teach and refine their yoga language skills and their ability to deliver an inspiring classes.

This 200 hour yoga teacher training will offer practice teaching one on one, in small groups, and in front of a full class of your fellow students.

The power of meditation is significant. It’s been clinically proven as a highly effective tool for improving physical, emotional and mental health. 

In this 200 hour yoga teacher training we will be sharing easily accessible, yet highly effective methods of meditation for developing your own personal practice and to share with others.

You’ll learn about this sister science of yoga that is much more that than just diet and herbs. We will show you how to incorporate its tools and philosophies to map out a fore a rewarding purposeful life.

In many places throughout the world, yoga teachers are navigating a competitive market.

There are a number of ways to get creative when marketing your talents and passions. In this 200 hour yoga teacher training we’ll share with you some great ideas about how you can stand out from the crowd and give your yoga teaching career a jump start. 

This is an important topic in today’s climate of social and environmental responsibility.

We will examine yogic philosophy as a foundation for modern ethics and so you can better understand the responsibilities of being a leader in your classroom and in your community.

200HR YTT Daily Schedule

Typical 200Hr YTT Training Day

Your 200 hr YTT begins each day with a sunrise practice, the most powerful time of day to set your intention and experience the power of asana, pranayama, and meditation.

After practice you’ll enjoy a healthy breakfast in silent reflection. Students break for lunch and rest, then meet again for afternoon lecture or teaching practice.

You’ll have workshops, practicums or other special events in the afternoon along with a light snack. Our training day is completed with a nicely satisfying meditation.

6:00 - 8:30 Master Class
8:30 - 9:30 Breakfast
9:30 - 12:00 Lecture
12:00 - 13:30 Lunch
13:30 - 15:45 Lecture - Practicum
15:45 - 16:15 Fruit Snack - Break
16:15 - 18:15 Workshop
18:30 - 18:45 Meditation
18:45 - 19:45 Dinner

 There is one full day off per week.*

Reading Assignments​

200 hr YTT required Reading material

Students are required to complete daily assignments during the course and to submit essays within 3 months after the course for each of the books listed below, as well as the training manual.

You’ll need to demonstrate understanding of course content and offer personal reflection on the reading assignments. Once all your assignments have been completed and reviewed,  Zuna Yoga® will issue a certificate of completion.

You’ll then be eligible to register with Yoga Alliance as an RYT200.

The Heart of Yoga by  T.K.V. Desikachar

Hard copy or Kindle version available on Amazon

Yoga and Ayurveda by David Frawley

Hard copy or Kindle version available on Amazon

Trail Guide to the body by Andrew Biel 6th edition (optional – recommended)

Hard copy on Amazon or ebook download on www.booksofdiscovery.com

As an Amazon Affiliate, we earn commission from qualifying purchases

Are you ready?

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Intensive

About half of our students sign up for this 200-hour yoga teacher training bali with the intention of becoming yoga teachers. BUT, this course is also for curious, passionate yogis who want to strengthen their knowledge and practice.

The Zuna Yoga® 200-hour yoga teacher training course is for intermediate yogis who are ready to learn what makes yoga work, develop a solid foundation of practice, and are interested in moving beyond just the physical. 

If you have a regular yoga practice, you may be more prepared than you think throughout the training. We strongly recommend applicants prepare by:

  • Developing one year of consistent asana practice with minimal limitations.
  • Developing a regular practice of at least an hour, three times a week.
  • Being relatively comfortable practicing intermediate back bends and working on inversions.
  • Having experience in meditation.
  • Acquiring a level of maturity, a willingness to learn, discipline, curiosity, and an understanding of the limits of your own body.
  • Trying different styles and different teachers, at your local studio or online.
  • Keeping an open mind, and a willingness to go deep and move past established habits.
  • Practicing mindfully and aiming for gradual progress to avoid injury.

200 YTT FAQ's

Think of a 200 hour yoga teacher training as Level 1 and 300 hour as Level 2. The 200 hour yoga teacher training course is a foundational program. But it’s far more than just basics. After its completion, you’ll be qualified to register with Yoga Alliance® as an RYT200, giving you a globally recognized accreditation.

The 300 hour yoga teacher training is an advanced program. Most attending students will have already completed a 200 hour yoga teacher training course.

What’s the difference between 200, 300 and 500 hour yoga teacher training? Our 200 hour program plus our 300 hour combine to create the full 500 hour training experience.

You can choose to do a 200 hour teacher training and then a 300 hour immediately back to back. This is a 500 hour yoga teacher training. But you can also choose to to do them separately with many months or even years between your trainings.

All hours of a 200 hour or 300 hour training are best completed at the same school, but this isn’t a requirement.

Students who attend one of our 300 hour advanced trainings have sometimes completed their 200 hour teacher training at another school. Some schools like Zuna Yoga® may offer an entire 500 hour program. Many offer only the 200 hour.

If you have the time to dedicate to an extended journey that will change your life, and you’re in strong physical and mental shape, the 500 hour is an amazing experience.

Many of our students enroll in 200 and 300 hour programs back-to-back (500 hour, or “Zero to 500”), to complete all of their training hours with us. It’s a challenging yet rewarding option, and ideal if you can take two uninterrupted months out of your busy life. 

Completing both the 200 hour yoga teacher training and 300 hour with the same yoga school ensures both consistency and depth. And if right now you can only take the time for a 200 hour program, that’s a great place to start.

Sure! Many of our 200 hour graduates return to complete their advanced 300 hour yoga teacher training with us.

This can be months or years after your 200 hour YTT, whenever YOU feel you are ready to continue the learning journey.

Students often sign up for a 300YTT one or two years after their 200YTT.

For most students, the 200 hour program is challenging on many levels: physical, emotional, mental.

Our days begin at sunrise and you’ll be busy with class, lectures, workshops and practica until dinner time.

Be ready to listen, reflect, write, share, move, stretch, strengthen, practice, work, learn, laugh, cry, and dance.

The program requires consistent attention, discipline and fortitude. Growth occurs outside of our comfort zones, and you’ll be encouraged to reach beyond that barrier, but ALWAYS within your own safe limits. 

Our 200 hour yoga teacher training intensive provides a strong foundation in the physical aspects of yoga, including asana, alignment, anatomy, adjustments, modifications and safe biomechanics.

Every teacher of yoga should understand how the body works and be able to create physically and energetically sound sequences. Our 200 hour yoga teacher trainings deliver much more than just asana.

We explore the diverse teachings of the yoga tradition, its history and its philosophy. We’ll also introduce you to the advanced techniques of mantra, meditation and pranayama, as well as the principles of Ayurveda.

You will get plenty of practice teaching and the opportunity to develop your own voice as an instructor.


Sep 6 – 27, 2024
Nov 16 – Dec 7, 2024
March 3 – 24, 2025
June 3 – 24, 2025
Sep 2 – 23, 2025
Nov 16 – Dec 7, 2025



The cost of Course Tuition and Accommodation are shown separately, allowing you to see exactly what you’re paying for.
The full cost of the course is tuition + your choice of accommodations (including meals).


Course tuition includes all classes, course material and all course activities, a 400+ page manual, a Welcome Gift, unlimited filtered water, fresh coffee & herbal teas, and a light afternoon snack.

Early bird: $2,450 USD (3 months prior)

Standard Price: $3,200 USD


We highly recommend choosing the all-inclusive accommodation option. These select yoga venues are designed and operated to make your training comfortable and convenient, so you can focus on the learning, while keeping you nourished with delectable, freshly prepared, healthy meals. Our retreat centers offer us substantial group discounts that we pass on to you for the best value. A variety of room types is available for all budgets. Round trip group airport transfer is included in your package.

How to apply

The first step in booking your 200 hour yoga teacher training is to fill out the online application form. Once your application is accepted, you can make a deposit of $750 to secure your spot. The remaining balance is due 60 days before the start of your program. Early bird discounts are offered to students who pay in full 3 months before the program begins.

* To ensure the highest quality experience for all participants, acceptance into all Zuna Yoga programs is by application only.*

Amidst Bali’s breathtaking landscapes, you’ll delve deep into yoga’s essence, build a strong foundation, and connect with a community of like-minded seekers. Let this immersive experience empower you, as you embrace a new level of practice and understanding during your 200 hour yoga teacher training in Bali Indonesia. 

Join us for a remarkable voyage of self-discovery and personal growth.

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