one-week yoga and meditation courses

75h foundations of yoga and MEDITATION

Don't have the time for a full yoga teacher training, or not sure if it's the right fit for you?

Our shorter yoga and meditation courses are an ideal choice for yogis, yoga instructors, coaches, wellness enthusiasts, or anyone eager to enhance their yoga and meditation practice without the commitment of a lengthy program.

The 7-days format allows you to visit one full week of training as a complete, stand-alone experience. Hours from the 75 hr immersion can be applied to completion of the full yoga training certification with Zuna Yoga in Bali.

50h Foundations of Yoga

Feb 22 - Mar 2, 2024 | Cairo, Egypt

This November, we are embarking on an extraordinary journey as we take our renowned Zuna Yoga training overseas for the very first time.

In collaboration with the exceptional team at Earth Space Cairo, we are privileged to co-host a profoundly transformative and vibrant program.

Tailored for individuals who aspire to not only enhance their personal yoga practice but also delve deeply into the timeless principles and philosophical essence that underlie this ancient discipline.

Immerse yourself in the mesmerizing beauty of Egypt while embarking on a journey of self-discovery and profound growth.

Foundations of Yoga COURSE

In this 75-hour immersion, we’ll share with you the richness of traditional principles, philosophy, and technique in a digestible, non-dogmatic modern context that can awaken an empowering discovery of self-confidence and inner beauty.

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced practitioner, the inspiring insights and clarity derived from our method opens the door to the treasures of yogic practice that help us thrive.

The course will be led by highly qualified facilitators, seasoned, educated, and skilled to competently guide practitioners of all levels through a deep and exciting journey.



Whether you are a practitioner or a teacher, understanding how the elements of a class are intelligently combined and delivered can profoundly influence the benefits of practice at any level.

Module 2 offers 75 hours of immersive training that includes additional practices and a detailed discovery of how the tools and techniques are creatively and methodically arranged to deliver transformative experiences in your practice or classes you teach.



The third and final segment of the 200 journey! This 75-hour immersive training ties together the concepts covered in Modules 1 and 2 and allows you a deeper understanding of your role as a teacher. You’ll hone your skills as an instructor, dive deeper into your soulful journey, and learn how to continue to advance your practice going forward.

Foundations of Meditation COURSE

Led by experienced meditation teachers and practitioners at Zuna Yoga, this 75-hour immersion is designed to provide a comprehensive and immersive experience that will help you cultivate a daily meditation practice and develop a deeper understanding of yourself.

You will learn a number of essential meditation techniques, delve into the philosophy of meditation and explore the science behindyoga with our yoga teacher training course.

Contact us to get your modular yoga teacher training.

Next one-week yoga courses

Sep 6 – 12, 2024
Nov 16 – 22, 2024
Mar 3 – 9, 2025
Jun 3 – 9, 2025
Sep 2 – 8, 2025
Nov 4 – 10, 2025

Next one-week meditation courses

Oct 3 – 9, 2024
Sep 30 – Oct 6, 2025

Hours from the 75 hr immersion can be applied to completion of the full yoga or meditation training certification with Zuna Yoga in Bali. 

Contact us for details.

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