Yoga Teacher Training FAQ's

Frequently Asked Questions


Yes! As yogis whose lives have been so positively impacted by this journey, we whole heartedly encourage you to take the leap. Our programs are open to adults of any age who want to dive into this ancient science for better living, more relevant and important now than ever before.

 If you love yoga, are thirsty for a change of perspective, ready for an adventure, willing to put in the work, enjoy contributing in group settings, and curious about yourself, these trainings are life-changing and unforgettable. 

We recommend that applicants have at least one year of consistent asana practice and are relatively comfortable practicing intermediate backbends (such as up dog and camel), and are already working on inversions. This program is not suitable for complete beginners. 

No. Content and quality vary greatly. Different teachers and schools focus on different aspects of the very broad umbrella of yogic knowledge. Some present yoga as purely a physical exercise, while others are very spiritual and devotional with little focus on postures. Zuna Yoga® presents a modern take on traditional yoga, blending science and spirituality, without any religious dogma.


“Best” is very personal and subjective. The best yoga teacher training for you is the one that matches your educational needs and personal interests, and is reputable and professionally run by experienced facilitators in a safe, secure space.

A yoga teacher training abroad is a considerable investment of your time and resources. We recommend doing lots of research and talking to previous graduates of schools that catch your attention. Use your brain, your gut and your heart! 

Not at all! This program is well suited for anyone who wants to deepen their knowledge of yoga and their understanding of themselves. Yoga is a complete science system of better living, and we’re excited to share it with you. 

About half our students sign up for the course with the intention of becoming a yoga teacher. Often, after completing the course, many other students find themselves inspired to share their newfound knowledge in any number of creative ways.

Yes. Many of our graduates begin teaching as soon as they return home from our training. You will get plenty of practice teaching, including one-on-one, small groups, and in front of the entire class. We’ll investigate all the creative ways you can start your career as a yoga teacher.

There is a wide range of pricing available for a yoga teacher training. The main factors that influence how much you’ll pay are the reputation and experience of the teachers, how long the training is and the location. 

Tuition for 200 hours of training at a high-ranking school tends to be around USD$3000. We don’t recommend choosing the cheapest option available, as the price generally reflects the quality.

We invite you to apply at your earliest convenience using the online form. These courses tend to sell out a couple months in advance. We screen all applicants to make sure we are a good fit for each other, and not everyone who applies is accepted.

It seems too obvious, but the best way to prepare for a yoga teacher training is to keep practicing yoga! Develop a regular practice of at least an hour, a minimum of three times a week. Try out different styles and different teachers, at your local studio as well as online. Practice mindfully and aim for gradual progress to avoid injury.

Start the required course reading before your YTT and begin learning about the foundational philosophies of yoga. 

The number of participants is limited to 25 to ensure a comfortable practice space and a healthy teacher-to-student ratio. This is also venue dependent, as sometimes we choose smaller venues for more intimate offerings. 

A typical teacher training day begins with a group morning practice at sunrise (6am), which is the most powerful time of day to set your intention and experience the magic of yoga. After morning class we enjoy a healthy breakfast. Then we reconvene for morning lecture, where we cover much of the intellectual content of the course. After lunch, we meet again for lecture, teaching practice, and our final afternoon asana and meditation class. The day finishes at around 6:45 pm. There is one full day off per week.

It depends on your level of physical fitness and emotional health. Most students find these intensive programs to be challenging and very rewarding. To reach your full potential, it’s important to engage this training with a level of maturity, a willingness to learn, and an understanding of the limits of your own body.
The most important factors that influence your success are: attendance, attitude, completion of written assignments. Students must engage the course with an open mind; with respect for the teachers, traditions and their fellow students; and a healthy work ethic.

To obtain a certificate, you must attend 100% of classes as well as complete the written assignments. However, we understand that you may not be able to foresee every conflict, so we have devised the following procedures:

If you miss one or two days, you may still complete the program with your class provided that you schedule a private session (or group session) with an Assistant Trainer at some point during the program. A three hour private session equals one day in the intensive. The maximum number of private make-up sessions is two.


Zuna Yoga® is a school of hatha vinyasa yoga. Our style can be described as traditional hatha, which is characterized by attention to alignment and holding poses longer, combined with flowing, dynamic vinyasa sequences. The Zuna Yoga® system includes the use of asana, bandha, mudra, pranayama, mantra, meditation, yoga nidra and other components.

Zuna is a Sanskrit word that means to thrive or prosper. This how we understand the true promise of yoga – to live a beautiful life, to live powerfully in the world. Through a systematic usage of the tools of yoga, our practice is directed toward the attainment of health, strength, perseverance, patience and wisdom. 

The practice of yoga delivers so much more than flexibility or stress reduction. It enables us to live free and empowered, to experience the bountiful treasures of life, to realize our purpose and achieve our dreams.

We attract yogis from all over the globe, creating a vibrant community of students and teachers who share in our vision of a world that thrives.

“I couldn’t imagine a better 200 hour yoga teacher training, or a better way to begin my career as a yoga teacher. I would highly recommend Zuna Yoga® to any yogi or yogini who wants a fully immersive, life changing and well structured training.

You will come out knowledgable and prepared should you want to begin teaching or simply take your personal practice to the next level.” – Lucas, NYC

“I can honestly say I have learned and truly engaged in class this past month more than I have through any other education course I have attended in my life. Thank you for such a treasured gift I’ll keep with me for the rest of my life, the gift of knowledge and the tools to live a happy, peaceful and beautiful life.

I can’t wait to start truly living and fully implement this into my daily life so I can find my authenticity, and inspire others like you have inspired me.” – Danielle, TX

You can read more testimonials from our past graduates here.

No. Graduates of our program go on to teach a variety of styles, including hatha, vinyasa, hot yoga, power yoga, yin, restorative, meditation, corporate yoga and children’s yoga. You will not be in a tight box.

Our programs are designed for students of varying ability levels, ages and interests. The tools we share are flexible and universal, giving you endless opportunities for your personal practice and your teaching.

For students who are inspired to teach our style of yoga and use the Zuna Yoga® brand, we offer tailor-made mentoring programs, with assistant teaching opportunities at our global events.


Established in 1999, Yoga Alliance is the largest nonprofit association representing the yoga community, with over 7,000 Registered Yoga Schools (RYS) and more than 100,000 Registered Yoga Teachers (RYT).

Their stated mission is foster and support the high quality, safe, accessible, and equitable teaching of yoga. Based in the USA, their core activity is credentialing yoga teachers and yoga teacher training schools remains their core activity.

There are RYTs in more than 130 nations and territories. More than 18 percent of RYTs, including 10,800 Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Providers (YACEP®s), reside outside the U.S., while more than 29 percent of Registered Yoga Schools (RYS®s) are internationally located.

Yes. Zuna Yoga® is an active Registered Yoga School (RYS®). We are an RYS 200 and RYS 300. Registration acknowledges that our 200, 300 and 500 hour training programs meet standards for curriculum developed by Yoga Alliance® and that training is conducted by experienced instructors. This also means that upon completion of our Teacher Training, you can apply to YA for the corresponding registration.

By registering with Yoga Alliance®, you will take an important step in enhancing your credibility as a yoga teacher. Your registration with Yoga Alliance® is a globally recognized credential that helps ensure that yoga students can find knowledgeable instruction and training programs. You will also have access to professional online workshops and discounts on products and services.  

Currently, yoga is not a licensed profession in the U.S., so it is not required that one register with Yoga Alliance® in order to teach yoga. Registration with Yoga Alliance is voluntary and is the premier form of recognition given to a yoga teacher or yoga school. Some studios, employers and insurers will request it.

Schools that register with Yoga Alliance® are listed on the Yoga Alliance® online directory as “Registered Yoga Schools” (RYS®). Yoga schools can receive varying levels of designation based on the levels and types of training they provide. 

Registration acknowledges that the training program meets standards for curriculum developed by Yoga Alliance®. Once a school is registered, all graduates of an RYS® are eligible to register with Yoga Alliance® as an RYT®.

Certification Requirements:

  • Completed a 200 hour yoga teacher training course with an RYS 200® school
  • Teaching hours required: None

Teachers can register as an RYT 200® if they have successfully completed a 200 hour yoga teacher training program with Zuna Yoga®. All training hours must come from the same school and multiple trainings cannot be combined to meet the 200 hour requirement. Teaching hours are not required for this designation.

Certification Requirements:
  • Completed a 500 hour yoga teacher training program (200 hr TT + 300 hr TT = 500) with Zuna Yoga®, or a different RYS® registered as an RYS 200® – RYS 300® (such as Zuna Yoga®)
  • Teaching hours required: Has at least 100 hours of teaching experience since graduating from an RYS 200® – RYS300 (such as Zuna Yoga®) or RYS 500®
Teachers can register as an RYT 500® if they have successfully completed a 500 hour yoga teacher training program that is registered with Yoga Alliance®. The 500 hours of training can either come from one school or can be a combination of a 200 hour program plus 300 hours of advanced training from a different school.Applicants must submit 100 teaching hours for this designation, which must be completed after graduating from an RYS 200/300® or RYS 500®.
Training requirements: ✓ Completed a 200 hour training program with an RYS 200®Teaching requirements: ✓ Has at least 1000 hours of teaching experience since graduating from an RYS 200® ✓ Has taught for at least 2 years since graduating from an RYS 200®.Teachers can register as an E-RYT 200® if they have successfully completed a 200 hour yoga teacher training program that is registered with Yoga Alliance® and have taught a minimum of two years since graduating from an RYS200® and have at least 1000 hrs of teaching experience after having completed a Yoga Alliance® approved course by an registered Yoga Alliance® RYS®. Once registered, an E-RYT 200® is able to provide continuing education classes and workshops to other teachers and can be a director or primary instructor of a 200 hour yoga teacher training program.
✓ Completed a 500 hour training program with an RYS 500®, OR ✓ Completed a 200 hour training program with an RYS 200® AND an additional 300 hours of training with either the same RYS® or a different RYS® registered as an RYS 200/300 (such as Zuna Yoga®)Teaching requirements: ✓ Has at least 2000 hours of teaching experience since graduating from a RYS 200/300® or RYS500®. At least 500 of these hours must be taught after graduating from a RYS300® or RYS 500®. ✓ Has taught for at least 4 years since graduating from an RYS 200® or RYS 500®Teachers can register as an E-RYT 500® if they have successfully completed a 500 hour yoga teacher training program that is registered with Yoga Alliance® and have taught a minimum of four years since graduating from an RYS200®. The 500 hours of training can either come from one school or can be a combination of a 200 hour program plus 300 hours of advanced training from a different RYS®. Applicants must submit 2,000 teaching hours for this designation; 1,500 of the teaching hours must have been taught after graduating from a RYS 200® and RYS 500® of the teaching hours must have been taught after graduating from an RYS 500®. Once registered, an E-RYT 500® is able to provide continuing education classes and workshops to other teachers and can be a director or primary instructor of a 200-hour or 500-hour teacher training program.


There are many aspects of the science of yoga that are difficult to experience in a regular weeknight class or weekend training environment. That’s why all our Yoga Alliance® accredited yoga teacher trainings are offered as intensives.

There is no better way to go deeper, faster into the vast sea of yogic tradition than to immerse yourself completely, separated from everyday pressures and distractions. 

The deepest and most bountiful techniques require uninterrupted and dedicated practice in a way that is almost impossible to achieve if we try to tend to usual daily affairs on the side. Being sequestered from normal everyday concerns, social groups and responsibilities allows you the freedom and space for a rewarding inward journey.

It’s also an opportunity to travel to an exotic location and be immersed in a new culture, try new foods, and see amazing sights. 

The immersion format is a rich experience, with students living together and enjoying each other’s support, sharing free time, studying together in the evenings and partaking in communal meals. 

We have lived in Bali for many years and are well acquainted with the best locations and venues for our yoga and meditation teacher trainings. Here’s what makes our training locations so special:

Ubud: treasured by the Balinese and visitors alike for its legendary healing energy. It is a hub of artists and artisans, dance, massage, and of course yoga. Ubud continues to draw yogis from around the globe for its perfect blend of beauty, health, and spirituality. In the hills, cooler and rainier, about 1.5 hrs from the airport and a 45 min drive to the closest beach.

Canggu: a funky beach town with a cool, alternative current that attracts yogis and surfers from around the world with its laid-back vibe and world-class break. You can spend days off at the beach or in the ocean. Busier and more of a party vibe than Ubud. About an hour’s drive from the airport.

Pemuteran: our most tranquil location, offering the unspoilt natural beauty of Northwest Bali. A three hour drive from Bali’s main airport. This is one of the driest parts of Bali. The coastline offers some of the best diving in Bali, with calm waters and coral gardens teeming with marine life and excellent visibility year round.

The beachfront is unique due to its peaceful atmosphere and dramatic mountain backdrop. Nearby you’ll find gorgeous Balinese temples, nature hikes, waterfalls, swimming and spas.

Book your flight to Denpasar (DPS, also known as Ngurah Rai). This is Bali’s only international commercial airport, located in the southern part of the island. We recommend arriving a day or two earlier if possible, to factor in any flight delays and give yourself time to adjust to the new time zone and climate.

This visa information is provided as a guide only. Please check with the Indonesian Consulate in your home country for the most accurate and up-to-date Indonesian visa information for your nationality.

Ensure your passport is valid for more than 6 months after arrival, and that it contains several blank pages. Officially, proof of onward/return ticket is a requirement for for travel to Bali, and you may be required to show it upon check in.

There are several visa options available, depending on your country of citizenship and travel plans.

    1. Staying 30-60 days: Visa on Arrival (VoA): Buy at the marked counter before queuing for immigration. Cost approx. US$35US. VoA is necessary if your stay is between 30 to 60 days. Valid 30 days and extendable ONCE for 30 days. For guests arriving before the training: please do not organize your visa extension yourself, as you will need to go to the immigration office in Denpasar three times! Instead, contact us and we will connect you with our reliable visa agent. We can also help you with your visa extension during the training, and you will only need one in person trip to the immigration office. Note: if you do not purchase a VOA and you want to stay in Bali longer than 30 days, you will need to fly out of the country and fly back in to start the clock again.
    2. Certain nationalities, regardless of length of stay: Visa needed (apply abroad before arriving in Indonesia)
    3. Business Visa B211A – can be applied for electronically, allows you to stay 60 days and renewal for another 4 months, month by month
    4. Visa Exemption for travelers from a limited number of countries

Please check the country visa lists here, to see what visa regulation for Bali applies to you. Use the Visa Departure Calculator to make sure you don’t overstay your visa. Fines for overstay are around $75 per day.

  • Several changes of your favorite lightweight yoga clothes.
  • A sarong – a wonderful multipurpose item. These are also easily purchased in Bali.
  • Comfortable sandals or flip-flops are a must, and should be easy removed as most people here do not wear shoes indoors.
  • Swimwear, beach towel and sun hat
  • Your fave toiletries and sunscreen
  • Mini travel first aid kit (hydrocortisone, antibiotic cream, band-aids)
  • Mosquito repellent
  • Personal medications
  • Sleep mask and Earplugs
  • Sanitary products
  • Adapter for electronics: Europe (KAEU)
  • Refillable water bottle
  • Notebook (paper) & pen to take notes during the training
  • Yoga mat (optional. You can also purchase in Bali but the selection is limited. As a lightweight mat, we like Jade Travel Mat)
  • If you have back issues, you might want to consider bringing a foldable floor chair / camping chair. As yogis, we traditionally sit on the floor during lectures, and chairs are not available. Most people are fine sitting on bolsters, mats and blankets, but if you know you need back support, the folding chairs are a good option
While couples and parent/adult child combos are welcome as students, we don’t recommend coming to a training with non-yogi partners who are not enrolled in the course, or with young children.  One of the benefits of doing an intensive course in Bali is that you have space to grow, separated from daily obligations. It is very difficult to attend to the needs of partners and children during the training, as the days are long, and emotionally and physically challenging. In the past, we have had students who have attempted to combine a family holiday with their training, and who unanimously wished that they had come alone. Take this time to invest in yourself.At Zuna Yoga® residential courses, rooms at our venues are reserved exclusively for course participants.

We highly recommend purchase travel insurance for this type of international long-stay trip. We can’t emphasize this enough. This will cover you for any disruption or cancellation of your travel – for any reasons such as weather, natural disaster, illness, accident or other change of heart that would prevent your attendance, medical care while in Bali, or loss/damage of personal goods. Choose the “cancel for any reason” option for the most coverage. The credit card you use to book your flight may also provide some protection. We recommend World Nomads travel insurance, designed by travelers for travelers, with coverage for more than 150 activities as well as emergency medical, lost luggage, trip cancellation and more. Please take a moment to review our cancellation policy. We are unable to offer credits or refunds if you cancel last minute, for any reason, so it’s best to get coverage for yourself.

We receive a fee when you get a quote from World Nomads using this link. We do not represent World Nomads. This is not a recommendation to buy travel insurance.image 100732551 15423653

Check with your doctor which vaccinations you need to travel to Indonesia and ensure you have the required vaccinations well before departure date. We follow the CDC’s travel recommendations for Indonesia. Malaria is not prevalent in Bali, so unless you are traveling to other areas of Indonesia, prophylactic medication is not recommended.

All Covid-related travel restrictions (including proof of vaccination) have been lifted for domestic travel within Indonesia. However for international arrivals, apparently some airlines are still asking for verification. We expect the restrictions to continue to evolve.

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