50h Foundations of Yoga Teacher Training Egypt

Feburary 22-March 2, 2024 | Cairo, Egypt

Join us for an immersive yoga journey IN Cairo

This November, we are bringing our signature Zuna Yoga courses abroad for the first time ever.

With the amazing team of Earth Space Cairo, we are co-hosting a transformational and vibrant program that adapts to your needs and schedule!

Check the two options below and join us for an unforgettable life-changing journey in beautiful Egypt.

50h one week immersion

6 days | Nov 3-9

200h Yoga Teacher Training

24 days | Nov 3-30

*The 50h option do NOT include practice teaching, or prepare you to teach classes. If you are interested in becoming a yoga or meditation teacher, we encourage you to register for our full 200 hour program.


50h Foundations of Yoga Course

One week intensive: Nov 23 – 28

This 50h yoga teacher training in Egypt is designed for individuals who are looking to deepen their personal yoga practice and gain a better understanding of the principles and philosophy behind this ancient practice.

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced practitioner, this program will provide you with a solid foundation in yoga theory and practice.

Led by experienced yoga teachers and practitioners, this immersive program will help you develop a deep understanding of yoga philosophy, as well as the skills and knowledge to enhance your personal practice.

FEB 22-Mar 2, 2024 | Cairo, Egypt


Here’s what you can expect from our program:

  • A comprehensive curriculum that covers the theory and practice of yoga, including the history and philosophy behind this ancient practice.
  • Opportunities to practice and refine your yoga practice in a safe and supportive environment.
  • Daily master classes with asana, pranayama and meditation
  • Philosophy lectures
  • Asana workshops
  • Evening meditations
  • Movement sessions and a variety of embodiment techniques
  • A supportive community of like-minded individuals who are also committed to deepening their yoga practice and personal growth.
  • Experienced teachers who will guide you through the program and provide personalized support and feedback
  • 1 month free access to our online studio after the course

By the end of the program, you will have a solid foundation in yoga theory and practice, and the tools and knowledge to continue your own personal growth and development.

Note: These programs do NOT include practice teaching, or prepare you to teach classes. If you are interested in becoming a yoga or meditation teacher, we encourage you to register for our full 200 hour program.

Hours from the 50 hour intensive/immersion can be applied to completion of the full 200 hour certification with Zuna Yoga in Bali. Contact us for details.

50HR YTT Daily Schedule

In your 50hr YTT You’ll have daily practice, workshops, practicums or other special events.  Each training day is completed with a nicely satisfying meditation.

Day 1-2-3 + Day 9 - 10
8:00 - 10:30 Master Class
10:30 - 11:00 Breakfast
11:00 - 13:00 Lecture / Practicum
13:00 - 14:15 Lunch
14:15 - 16:15 Posture Workshop
16:15 - 16:30 Meditation
Lectures Practicums
Day 1 The Science Of Breath
Day 2 History of Yoga
Day 3 Foundational Philosophy
Day 9 Yoga Sutras
Day 10 Hatha Yoga + Tantra
Day 4-5-6-7-8
8:00 - 11:00 Master Class
18:00 - 21:00 Master Class

For Days 6, 7, and 8 you can choose the best time for your master class experience.  

The teachers

Picture for Everett Newell Bio at Zuna Yoga
Everett Newell

Founder - Master Trainer

Zuna yoga egypt ytt amira teacher
Amira Ihab

Assistant Trainer


The cost of Course Tuition and Accommodation are shown separately.
Meals are not included.


Early Bird (2 months prior): $495 USD

Regular: $550 USD


Serviced apartments are within walking distance of the studio. Contact Earth Cairo for enquiries and bookings. 

How to apply

Fill out the online application form. Once your application is accepted, you can make a deposit of $250 to secure your spot. The remaining balance is due 60 days before the start of your program yoga teacher training in Egypt.

Yoga Alliance accredited YTT | NOV 3-30, 2023


Whether you want to learn to teach and share the yoga that you love, or deeply recharge yourself and up-level your personal practice, these programs give you a solid foundation in tradition and techniques.

Our courses are highly experiential and thoughtfully tailored to provide you with the best education and the deepest experience possible on every level. The immersion format is unmatched in delivering a richness of understanding.

You’ll learn, practice, and then teach the concepts and tools that we’ll share. This will afford you a greater sense of embodiment and mastery, so you can share what you learn with confidence. You’ll develop a new appreciation of your own abilities that will sustain your inspiration and growth for years to come.


What will you learn during your intensive training? What does a typical day look like? What will you need to complete to get your 200 hr YTT certification?

  • Functional Anatomy– How Yoga Affects the Key Systems of the Body*
  • Key Poses – Alignment, Energetics, Health Benefits and Cautions
  • History of Yoga – The Wellspring of Traditional Knowledge
  • Philosophy – The Foundations of Yoga
  • Science of the Breath – How Yogis Breathe
  • Meditation – An Essential Life Tool
  • Ayurveda – Yoga’s Sister Science
  • Subtle Body – The Energetic Systems that Drive Us
  • Ethics – What Does it Mean to Be a Yogi?
  • Class Sequencing – Intelligent Use of Yogic Tools
  • Practice Teaching – Starting Strong
  • Hands-on Adjustments – Giving Supportive Manual Cues
  • Language of Yoga – Learn to Communicate with Confidence
  • Business of Yoga – Find Your Niche


*You’ll receive access to a comprehensive 20 hour online anatomy course, offered by The Anatomy School. This course guides you step by step through 10 chapters of yoga anatomy including a variety of learning modalities. Be inspired visually with fantastic pictures, diagrams and videos. The course is structured around one of the philosophies of Osteopathy, “Structure governs Function.” You’ll learn how the key systems of the body (nervous, respiratory, skeletal, muscular etc) are connected and how yoga affects their function.

Friday through Thursday. Sundays are rest days (full day off)

  • 8:00 – 10:45am Masterclass
  • 10:45 – 11:45am Break
  • 11:45 – 12:00pm Reflections/journaling
  • 12:00 – 14:00 Philosophy
  • 14:00 – 15:00 Break
  • 15:00 – 17:00 Movement, postures, meditation
  • The Heart of Yoga by  T.K.V. Desikachar – Hard copy or Kindle version available on Amazon
  • Yoga and Ayurveda by David Frawley – Hard copy or Kindle version available on Amazon

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What to Expect at 200hr Yoga Teacher Training

The Science of Body, Mind and Spirit

In our 200 hour yoga teacher training, you’ll dive deep into the foundational philosophies of yoga to gain a clear understanding of these often abstract and mystical concepts. You’ll learn a unique method of breathing that stimulates the vital energies of the body, providing strength and balance in a way you’ve never before experienced. A detailed study of anatomy, biomechanics and integrated systems of the body helps you achieve a new level of stable and empowering postural alignment.

Intelligent Class Sequencing
Elegant, Efficient, Fluid

Zuna Yoga® class sequencing is grounded in the same principles that animate the natural world — elegance, efficiency, and fluidity. You’ll learn to use the wide variety of yogic tools such as asana, bandha, pranayama, and meditation. Every class at your 200 hour yoga teacher training is a meaningful journey that supports the continually changing needs and abilities of body, mind and spirit. By applying the sciences of Yoga and Tantra, you will gain a firm understanding of how to approach your practice and teaching. Our sequencing is creative, purposeful, effective, and truly transformative.

Awaken to Truth, Courage and Joy

Go beyond the intellectual ideas and techniques that you have learned in this course, integrating these concepts into meaningful practice. When the body, breath and mind are cohesively aligned, you’ll experience yoga as it was always meant to be, expressing your power with grace. As your practice of yoga and self-discovery evolves, you’ll uncover the radiance and wisdom that lie within. We then weave these threads of inner truth into the fabric of being, to live authentically, courageously, and joyfully. 

Are you ready?

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Intensive

About half of our students sign up for this 200-hour yoga teacher training with the intention of becoming yoga teachers. BUT, this course is also for curious, passionate yogis who want to strengthen their knowledge and practice.

The Zuna Yoga® 200-hour yoga teacher training course is for intermediate yogis who are ready to learn what makes yoga work, develop a solid foundation of practice, and are interested in moving beyond just the physical. 

If you have a regular yoga practice, you may be more ready than you think. We strongly recommend applicants prepare for a 200-hour yoga teacher training retreat by:

  • Developing one year of consistent asana practice with minimal limitations.
  • Developing a regular practice of at least an hour, three times a week.
  • Being relatively comfortable practicing intermediate back bends and working on inversions.
  • Having experience in meditation.
  • Acquiring a level of maturity, a willingness to learn, discipline, curiosity, and an understanding of the limits of your own body.
  • Trying different styles and different teachers, at your local studio or online.
  • Keeping an open mind, and a willingness to go deep and move past established habits.
  • Practicing mindfully and aiming for gradual progress to avoid injury.


The cost of Course Tuition and Accommodation are shown separately. 

Meals are not included. We’ll offer snacks and coffee only. Students have many nearby options for eating within walking distance


Course tuition includes all classes, course material and all course activities, a 400+ page manual, a Welcome Gift, unlimited water, fresh coffee & herbal teas, and a light afternoon snack.

$2,700 USD for Int'l students
Special pricing from $1600 available for local students who apply through Earth Cairo


Serviced apartments within walking distance of the studio cost about $500-$800 per month. Earth Cairo can assist you with booking your accommodation. 

$500-$800 USD

How to apply

The first step in booking your 200 hour yoga teacher training is to fill out the online application form. Once your application is accepted, you can make a deposit of $750 to secure your spot. The remaining balance is due 60 days before the start of your program. 


Sure! Hours from the 50 hour intensive/immersion can be applied to completion of the full 200 hour certification with Zuna Yoga in Bali. Contact us for details.

Yes! You can already become a member of our online studio and enjoy practices to help you thrive. 200 hour graduates receive 3 months  free access to our online studio after the course. 50 hour students receive 1 month free access.   


For most students, the 200 hour program is challenging on many levels: physical, emotional, mental. Our days begin at sunrise and you’ll be busy with class, lectures, workshops and practica until dinner time. Be ready to listen, reflect, write, share, move, stretch, strengthen, practice, work, learn, laugh, cry, and dance. The program requires consistent attention, discipline and fortitude. Growth occurs outside of our comfort zones, and you’ll be encouraged to reach beyond that barrier, but ALWAYS within your own safe limits. We want you to grow, but how much is up to you. 

Our 200 hour yoga teacher training course provides a strong foundation in the physical aspects of yoga, including asana, alignment, anatomy, adjustments, modifications and safe biomechanics. Every teacher of yoga should understand how the body works and be able to create physically and energetically sound sequences. Our 200 hour yoga teacher trainings deliver much more than just asana. We explore the diverse teachings of the yoga tradition, its history and its philosophy. We’ll also introduce you to the advanced techniques of mantra, meditation and pranayama, as well as the principles of Ayurveda. You will get plenty of practice teaching and the opportunity to develop your own voice as an instructor.

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