In The Sensational Flow of Zuna Yoga (200 HR)

by Samantha Smith (200 hour Yoga Teacher Trainee)

Experiencing the Balinese Culture

The anticipation of life-changing flow of Zuna Yoga grew as I took my first steps into a new land.

flow of Zuna

This is my first trip to Bali and having traveled for 32 hours to get here, the drive from the airport to Ubud was a bit overwhelming. Everything was new. The streets are full of people and motorbikes, there are so many different shops and activities taking place; the wood slabs, carvings, colors, and smells of all the different foods and incense. It is all so different than what I have been used to, and yet, so beautiful. I felt as though I was only able to take in such a small percentage of what was in front of me on that first drive in.

One of the most fascinating things for me was the traffic, the flow that everyone seemed to be in. Everyone working together, making time and space for one another. On that first ride there was a young man on his motorbike in front of us, driving very slowly, talking on his cell phone, weaving a bit through the street. It was something that would have caused so much anger and frustration to the drivers behind him where I am from.

But my driver’s reaction was much different. He passed when he had the chance, no rush. He looked at the driver’s face and started smiling. He then looked at me and said, “He looks very happy, he must be talking to his girlfriend, he is very happy.” This instantly made me smile too. I was taken aback by what had just happened, and it made me reevaluate the way in which I had been looking at this situation in particular for so long. Something so small that might have started my day off ‘wrong’ not only didn’t disturb the driver, it made him happy.

Flow of Zuna Yoga

Day one of practice at the Zuna Yoga 200 hour teacher training was an amazing experience. Morning practice flew by. In the flow of Zuna, when we had finished the asana practice and started our meditation, I was thinking there was still an hour and a half left before breakfast.

I was shocked to find out we had already used the entire two hours and forty-five minutes! This was the longest I had ever practiced in one sitting and I was very surprised how out of my own head, and unworried about the future I was. It is something I have struggled to do as successfully since - especially since noticing the clock in the room. I was worried about the early start times coming into the training, but love that we start our practice when it is still dark, move through sunrise and finish after the sun has risen. It is so awakening and refreshing. 

A Lecture to Remember

Everett’s lectures are very engaging. I look forward to them everyday. It is not only the subjects, which I have a lot of interest in, but the way in which he presents the information with such passion, bringing fun and personal experience to them. These first few days have made me very excited for the rest of the training and what is to come.

Lectures in the afternoon are very informative, there is a lot of anatomy to learn, but the interactive method of teaching makes it more fun and the amount of information seem less intimidating. It doesn’t hurt either that my fellow trainees are some of the nicest and most interesting people I have met, everyone is so open and willing to help one another. 

Thus far, Bali has exceeded my expectations. If I had any doubts before, I am reassured now that my decision to come here was a good one. Here's to a blossoming journey into the flow of Zuna Yoga.


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