The Path of Yoga: A Blissful Dance Between Souls (200 HR)

by Sammy Garrett, Zuna Yoga 200 hour yoga teacher training graduate

The Path of Yoga Teacher Training

path of yoga

As the soon-to-be Zuna Yoga graduates near the end of the 200 hour yoga instructor certification course, there is a sense of excitement and anticipation in the air.

Each of us is overwhelmed with the sheer amount of knowledge and yogic wisdom which has been imparted to us over the last three weeks. How on earth is it possible to retain all the learnings, absorb the complexities, and share my understanding with the world? Nevertheless, there are far bigger questions to ponder!

New Phases

The entire 200 yoga teacher training group entered a new phase this past week, quite literally. Auspiciously, the new moon played a role in the changes unfolding amongst the group. Not just any moon: a supermoon, total solar eclipse and even a spring equinox in some parts of the world. Unfortunately, none of this was visible for the 19 eager yogis on the small island of Gili Meno, Indonesia. But this tribe of curious and dedicated souls shared something equally significant, marking the occasion with a Vedic fire ceremony. Understanding the importance of stepping forward with intention, we participated in the sacred ritual which was a powerful source of clearing for the group as a whole.

Foraging Friendships

Through such processes, the path of yoga, deep bonds have been created amongst a diverse group of individuals. It’s amazing how in a few short weeks, life long friendships have been forged. Sharing in this experience of learning, connected as a collective of universal yoga lovers. It was always all peace and love; there have also been times of great challenge. Boarders have been tested and pushed in a battle of limitations between the mind and body.

path of yoga

How Zuna Yoga Changed Our Mindsets

Egos were left at the door (or in our case, on the steps of the maoMeno Yoga Shala). Here in this peaceful place, there is no need for camouflage, masks or protective walls. A space is held by the Zuna Yoga teachers where individuality and authentic self expression are encouraged. The process of barriers and barricades collapsing, replaced with the discovery of inner truth has been wonderfully enriching. A beautiful dance of souls on the path of Yoga.

Personally, this journey of growth and self discovery symbolizes a step forward, whereby I have multiple tools in my belt to live a powerful and meaningful life. The past no longer controls my present or future, I step forward with trust and belief in the universe. This is of course what brought me here in the first place. No longer confined by the grasps of fear and expectations, I am able to dive further into my yoga practice, realizing I am a wave, riding the tides in the ocean of life.

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In Conclusion

A heartfelt thank-you to Zuna Yoga and my fellow yogis for an unforgettable voyage, this incredible experience on the path of yoga. With an inhale and exhale, I say farewell to the beautiful island of Gili Meno and the wonderful memories created here. May we all continue to thrive and prosper!

More from Sammy at


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